Thursday, March 24, 2011

Raymond and Irene Kolmodin.

Sixty-six years ago two people decided to do life together. They are still going strong! Today marks my grandparents' 66th wedding anniversary. When I try to consider just how much they have done together, my mind just stops because... seriously, think about it. They met each other mid World War II. They have dear friends that endured the concentration camps. They witnessed the birth of Rock and Roll, the assassination of JFK, the Civil Rights movement, the landing on the moon, and so much more. My grandfather has come from a line of inventors and worked for CAT. My grandmother worked in a jewelery store and moved from England after marrying at the age of 19. She left her family, her friends, and all she knew to join my grandfather in a marriage which he described a few years back as "still fast and furious!" They are wonderful, loving people who have given me nothing but constant love and support. They have done an excellent job at unifying our family and keeping tradition and a sincere love for God at the forefront of every family gathering. I couldn't be more honored to know and to be loved by such great grandparents. I love you Nana and Grandpa, and couldn't be more grateful for the amazing picture of love between a man and a woman you have provided for me. Happy Anniversary!

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