Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cover Songs...

My friend resolved to post one cover song a day on youtube... this could be the best thing that happened in 2012 thus far... I am choosing to bless you with his talent as well. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

it's been awhile...

I don't know about you, but there are certain phrases that immediately catapult me into song... "it's been awhile" is one of those.

I can't believe it is nearing the middle of January already. Where is my New Year headed?!

As you can see, this first blog post of the year is just a spattering of statements.

Today marked the first snow of the season, and of the new year. We got dumped on... as I was driving home from work I rolled down the window and hollered... "What up Winta!" I am so ready. Bring it.