Tuesday, June 23, 2009

new starts

so i have a new job, a new place to live, a new neighborhood, a new outlook on what it means to be "on your own," a new perspective, a new roommate... lots of things have changed.  in this, i am grateful for the fact that my Savior is called, "I AM".  He was God yesterday, He is God today, and He will be God tomorrow.  Forever he is present.  Although so many things are changing and at times I feel very unsettled, I am finding my strength in this truth.

In all honesty, it is a scary stage.  So much uncertainty can overwhelm me, but it is also exciting.  Today I decided to walk around and enjoy the city.  I just took three hours and walked.  I watched the people, listened to the sounds, saw the sights, tasted the food... and after it all I thought about how each of these people I passed had a story.  Some may be similar to mine; others may come from a completely different world.  Whatever they do, wherever they come from, it is true that all of us will one day recognize and confess Christ as Lord.  My heart was overwhelmed for the souls of these people.  Lost, needing a Savior.  

So I wonder, what can I do?  What is it that God is willing and working through me to further His kingdom on this earth?  What sets me apart as holy as He has commanded me to be?  I have a lot of thinking to do.

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