Sunday, December 5, 2010

falling behind.

I owe everybody four posts. Here it goes:

1) Egg Nog! Some people love it, some people hate it. Which person are you?

Myself, I am a lover of nog. I love Deans, Oberweis, SilkNog, Lactose Free Nog.... really any nog I can get. I will even settle for Southern Comfort. I love EggNog!

2) I love how people decorate their house both inside and out at Christmastime. There is a kid in my class at school who continually will say things like, "Christmas Coming Up!" "Christmas tree please." "Wreath please". He even reads us his Christmas list at every chance he can get. Here is the best Christmas decor effort I have ever heard of. It happened a few years ago in Normal, Illinois... enjoy

3) I wrapped most of my presents this evening. Another thing I love about the season is the giving! I love being able to pick something out that will bless or encourage another during this time of year. I love Christmas morning when our family gathers around the tree together. It's a wonderful thing.

4) Handel's Messiah. I love the music that accompanies the Word of the Lord. My friend Andrea and I will be attending the DIY Messiah this year... Wish me luck. Haven't sang like that for five years. This is my favorite song from The Messiah...

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